Reminder Learning Conferences Wed 27 & Thur 28 June
Wednesday, and Thursday are normal school days for students from 9:00pm-3:00pm.
Learning Conference appointment reminders were sent home on Monday with students. If you are unsure about your appointment time, please contact the school office.
On Wed & Thurs Learning Conferences commence from 1:30pm :
NO Learning Conferences for Ara Tuapapa
from 1:30pm – 2pm Room 8, and 9 (conferences in the Admin Block) Room 10 (conferences in the classroom) conferences will continue in the classrooms after 2pm.
from 2:00pm – 6:30pm for all other Year 2 – 8 conferences in the classrooms
from 3:15 – 6:30pm Year 1 conferences in the classrooms
*Students with Learning Conferences from 2:00pm-2:30 – meet your child at the classroom
*Students with Learning Conferences from 2:30 -3:00pm collect your child from the Knowledge Centre (behind Room 7) prior to their learning conference.
at 3:00pm Year 0-1 students will be released from their usual classrooms
at 3:00pm All other Year 2-8 students will be in the School Hall from 2-3pm and released from the hall at 3:00pm.
3-Way Conference Information for Parents including School Map
If you have an appointment at 2:30pm or 2:45pm, please pick your child up from the Rumney Knowledge Centre
If you have additional children, there is childcare available at the Rumney Knowledge Centre while you have your 3-way conference. There will be activities and staff to supervise.
In the Whare Manaaki all families are welcome to wait in there for their appointments. There will be tea, coffee, water, biscuits available for you to help yourself to.
Thank you,
Conifer Grove School